Sleepdesk - Help for Sleep Disorders
Take the standard Epworth Sleep Test to see if you have a Sleep Apnea related problem. This test is officially recognised and used by all doctors and sleep clinic specialists all over the world. Your Epworth score will indicate if you have a problem, how severe it may be, and whether you need to seek medical treatment.
An insight into the mysteries of the three different types of Sleep Apnea (Obstructive, Central and Mixed) explained in simple layman's terms with photos, along with the general symptoms and the many treatments. Note: UK spelling is Apnoea and sometimes Apneoa.
Everything you need to know about CPAP machines, headgear, chin straps, and humidifier accessories, with detailed descriptions and photos of the different types of masks that are available on the NHS.
Find out what to expect if you are going for an overnight Sleep Study at a clinic or hospital, with a description of a typical setup and what to take with you. It all sounds and looks scary, but there's nothing to worry about.
The ultimate cure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea with details of the specially designed tracheostomy tubes for OSA, and the essential use of Tracheostomy filters and covers. (Now includes the 'Montgomery' tracheostomy tube).
A short paragraph from my wife about how sleep apnea can have an affect on the whole family. It is sometimes forgotten about the effects that Sleep Apnea has on partners and other family members. It can be very stressful for them too.
If you've got kids, you need to read this. Some ideas on prevention of Night Terrors in young children. It's written by someone who has suffered night terrors. Note: This condition can affect anyone at any age.
Can't get to sleep at night? The types and causes of Insomnia are discussed here with a list of good sleep hygiene habits.
Information on the dangers, symptoms and treatments of the neurological sleep disorder Narcolepsy and associated Cataplexy attacks, plus Sleep Paralysis. Read some of the visitor's articles (links at bottom of this page) if you suffer from Sleep Paralysis.
Do your legs feel like they won't keep still? Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) can seriously affect your nightly sleep pattern and lead to general tiredness. It can also be combined with Periodic Limb Movement Syndrome.
This is a transcript from a tape on Relaxation issued by the NHS. It describes various relaxation techniques and is included here in the hope that it might help insomniacs.

- Currently available NHS treatments for Insomnia - by David from London
- My Sleep Paralysis - by Ian Brown
- My Waking Nightmare - by Simon Jenkins (humorous)
- A Sleep Clinic's Nightmare - by Margaret M. Brand
- Night Time Breathing Problems - by Dora in California
Compose your blog in a text file and save it. Then click the Contact Editor link below. Cut & paste it into the message box. It can be as long or short as you like, and even humorous, and you don't have to use your real name.
Note: This information is not medical advice. Always see your doctor if you have a health problem.